Castleton Primary School and Children's Centre

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Andrea Riley and Alistair Darnell (co headteachers):

0113 2637756

Castleton Primary School and Children's Centre

'Unlocking Potential'

Year 2

The class teacher in 2W is Miss Watkin and in 2M is Miss McLaughlin.

We also have:

- Mrs Tsopa (Teaching Assistant)

- Miss Hodgson (Teaching Assistant)

- Mrs French (Teaching Assistant)

- Mrs Lavin (Teaching Assistant)


Key Information

Our PE lessons are on Tuesday (indoor) and Friday (outdoor). Your child can come to school dressed in their PE kits on these days or alternatively can bring it to school to change into.

Everybody has a reading book to take home linked to their phonics book and a book bag book. These are changed every Friday and both need to be returned on Monday.

Spellings to practice at home are sent home every Friday. Story maps will be sent home for children to practice linked in to the writing and story children are learning in class. Maths homework will be sent home linked to topic, revision or times table practice. We encourage parents to support with home when possible to help your child deepen their understanding and increase confidence.

Autumn 1

We have already had a very exciting start to our new school year as we have just been on a trip to Filey. We are learning about the differences and similarities between Armley and Filey. We will also be looking at the physical and human features of the seaside in our geography lessons.

In English this term we will be reading the story ‘The Lighthouse Keeper’s Lunch’ and we have already enjoyed lots of writing activities based around this story. Our reading spine text is ‘Not Now Bernard’ and we will be exploring this book in our story times.

We will be focusing on number and place value in our maths lessons and exploring numbers to 100. In science, we will be learning about animals, including humans. During the month of October, it is Black History month and we will be learning about the life of Mary Seacole and why she is such an inspiration.

We are looking forward to a busy and fun half term! We are proud of all the children for such a fantastic start to Year 2.

Autumn 2

Class 2M bid farewell to Miss Whitehouse and said hello to Miss Hodgson. We have been learning about multiplication and division in Maths. All children are now accessing phonics at a suitable level with regular assessment and advancement, well done! Literacy, children have been learning about Cinderella and our writing has developed around this story. Children have been practicing handwriting and expected to try their best.

In History we have learnt all about Neil Armstrong, we focused on the first moon landing and the world-wide interest around this historical event. Whilst in science we have enjoyed learning about how we hear and understanding sound in more depth. Children enjoyed working in small groups and using their bodies to create a sound and rhythm.

Children in year 2 have had a relaxing end of Autumn 2 with a party day and film. They enjoyed playing party games and having a Christmas dinner. During the last week of term children also enjoyed a panto. Creating a calendar and making salt dough ornaments.

Spring 1

In Spring 1 we are learning about Little Red Riding Hood. The children will be learning to write a warning story with a focus on character description. In geography we will be learning about the seven continents and then focusing on the similarities and differences between the United Kingdom and Australia.  

In Year 2, we have been working hard in maths to develop our problem solving and reasoning skills, with this half terms focus being fractions. We are going to be exploring materials in science and we will be discussing the suitability of materials for different items. The children are working hard in daily phonics and reading lessons – please remember to return any home reading books weekly. Well done Year 2! 

Spring 2

Year 2 had a fantastic half term in Spring 1, well done! This half term, Year 2 will be reading and learning ‘The Papaya that Spoke’. We will be focusing on the features of speech in our writing and we will be continuing to develop our fundamental writing skills. In maths we will be learning about money. The children will learn how to count notes and coins, calculate change and solve word problems related to money. After that, we will begin to explore 2D and 3D shapes.

In History we are going to be learning about a significant individual, Florence Nightingale. We will be discussing her relevance during the Crimean War and comparing her to another significant individual, Mary Seacole. In science, we are going to be exploring forces. We will be able to identify the difference between a push and a pull.

Our PE days are on a Tuesday (indoor) and a Friday (outdoor). Please remember to arrive in PE kit on these days. We change phonics books every Friday so please ensure your child’s books are back in school every week.


Summer 1

Well done Year 2 for completing a successful Spring term.

This half term, we are going to be learning a story called “Dragons door”. The children will be exploring portal stories and discovering magical lands hidden through a portal. In maths, we will be focusing on reading and writing the time. Please practice this at home as much as possible.

Year 2 will be exploring plants in science and we will be carrying out a comparative test to compare how seeds grow in different environments. In geography we are going to be learning about weather and climate.

The children will be learning a cheer dance routine in PE and will perform this to the rest of the class.

Summer 2

Well done for completing your SATs last half term, Year 2! You worked so hard and we are so proud of you all.

For the last half term in Year 2 we are going to be learning Jack and the beanstalk. We will be learning how to write our own ‘defeating a monster’ story. In maths we will be exploring word problems and how to use all of our mathematical knowledge to solve multiple step word problems.

In history, we are going to be learning about the Great fire of London. We will explore what London was like in 1666 and why the fire spread so quickly.

Our topic in Science is ‘Living things and their habitats’. In July we will be going on a trip to Rodley Nature Reserve where we will enjoy activities such as bird watching and pond dipping.