Castleton Primary School and Children's Centre

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Green Lane, Leeds, West Yorkshire LS12 1JZ

Andrea Riley and Alistair Darnell (co headteachers):

0113 2637756

Castleton Primary School and Children's Centre

'Unlocking Potential'


'Our vision is to create a school community where children engage in their learning, achieve their full potential and are positive members of our community'


We are both passionate about instilling a love of learning in our children and see our shared leadership as a privilege, and an asset to the school. The saying, ‘Two heads are better than one!' has never been more appropriate. As colleagues, we bring a considerable range of skills, knowledge and experience (collectively over 40 years!). We share the same values and philosophy on learning, whilst offering individual flair and diverse skills to complement our rounded and skilled team. We believe our role is to enable all children to achieve their full potential, underpinned by a desire to achieve excellence, we set the highest expectations of engagement for all our learners. We are at the heart of the New Wortley community and aim to create individuals who make a positive contribution to our community.

Mrs Andrea Riley Co-Headteacher
Mr Alistair Darnell  Co-Headteacher